
Routine Consultation

We operate a personal list system which means that whenever possible the patient will see the doctor with whom they are registered or usually see.


All surgery consultations are by appointment and should be made by telephoning. Please book as far in advance as you are able for a routine appointment. If you cannot attend please contact reception so that your appointment time can be offered to another patient.


Our appointment system enables you to see a GP or Health Care Professional within 24 hours. However, we feel that continuity of care is very important and we encourage our patients to see the same doctor each time. This may mean that for non-urgent problems you may wait longer than 48 hours for an appointment with your usual doctor.


Please make a separate appointment for each person who needs to be seen.


Call to book

Urgent appointment

If you have an urgent medical problem that will not wait for the next routine appointment, please telephone. We endeavour to provide a same day appointment for any patient in need. We cannot, however, guarantee that this will be with a chosen doctor.

Online appointments

We are actively working on building a bespoke solution to allow you to book your appointments and manage your medical records online. We hope to be able to integrate this into our new website soon.

Home visits

Our home visiting service is intended for housebound patients or for those who are too unwell to attend the surgery


A home visit can be arranged by telephoning (01534) 516151. Where possible please advise us before 10:30 if you believe a visit is required on the same day. If your own doctor is already fully booked a visit will be made by our duty doctor.


Routine home visits to review on-going illness or long-term medication should be booked with your doctor in advance.

Duty Doctor System

As ill health cannot be predicted or timetabled, our community emergency nurse and a doctor are on call for your urgent medical needs at all times during the surgery’s opening hours.

When the Practice is closed this service is provided by Jersey Doctors On Call.

During our usual opening hours this service is initially provided by our duty emergency visits nurse and supported by our duty doctor.

If you believe your illness to be life-threatening please call 999 for immediate medical assistance.

Out of hours system

The Jersey Doctors On Call Service (JDOC) provides you with emergency medical cover when the Practice is closed.  It is not designed to cover routine healthcare needs that can wait until the Practice reopens.  Please only use this service if your problem is urgent.


If you feel you need this service please phone 01534 445445 and a receptionist will take your details and put you in touch with the doctor on-call. This number is only available when the Practice is closed. Please assist us to deal with your call appropriately by answering the receptionists’ questions as far as possible. This enables us to prioritise your call. You can obtain telephone advice, make an appointment at the JDOC evening clinic, or request a home visit if necessary.


This service provides emergency out-of-hours medical care overnight from 6pm to 8am daily, weekend cover from Saturday 12pm – Monday 8am, & public holidays. Island Medical Centre covers all other times directly.


A fee is charged if you see a doctor. The JDOC pricing structure is different to that of Island Medical Centre.

GP out of hours charges

For up to date charges please follow this link:  Out of Hours GP service Jersey Doctors on Call

Your own GP will be advised of your out of hours visit on the next working day. In the event of a life-threatening emergency please call 999.


Routine consultation £41.00

Net of a £50.28 Government statutory and contracted Medical Benefit


Child under 18 years (in Surgery) FREE

Net of a £50.28 Government statutory and contracted Medical Benefit


Child under 18 years (by Telephone) FREE

Net of a £50.28 Government statutory and contracted Medical Benefit


Telephone consultation £46.00


GP Home visit (all ages) £113.00

Net of a £50.28 Government statutory and contracted Medical Benefit


Community Nurse Home Visit £113.00

Nurse consultation £36.00

To Book
Call 01534 51 61 51

To book an appointment call 01534 51 61 51