Dr Caroline Mair

C IM 10046

Dr Caroline trained at Cambridge University and St Mary’s Hospital Medical School in London qualifying in 1998.  Her additional qualifications are MRCGP (Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners), DFFP (Diploma of Faculty of Family Planning DRCOG  (Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) and DCH (Diploma in Child Health).


She moved to Jersey in 2013 with her husband James and 3 young children.  She became a part time partner at Island Medical Centre in January 2014.


Her medical interests include mental health, gynaecology, family planning and minor surgery.  She is qualified to fit the intrauterine device (coil) and contraceptive implant (Nexplanon).


Caroline loves Jersey life and can often be found pounding the north coast with her black Labrador in tow!  She plays tennis when time allows and enjoys entertaining and being a Mum!


Surgery appointments can be booked:

Monday  -  Town

Tuesday (am)  -  Town

Wednesday  -  St Brelade

Thursday (am)  -  Town

Friday  -  Town


GP Partner

GMC Number


To Book
Call 01534 51 61 51

To book an appointment call 01534 51 61 51