Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Keep doing the right thing

The Island is experiencing high levels of COVID-19 cases. To protect yourself and others, Islanders are asked to:

  • Isolate if you have symptoms or a positive LFT and get a PCR test via the helpline
  • Continue to use a lateral flow test twice a week or before visiting health and care settings and the vulnerable
  • Wash and sanitise your hands regularly 
  • Open windows and doors to let fresh air in
  • Keep up to date with vaccination

To access further information, view the website or, ring their Helpline 0800 735 5566.

If you think you may have COVID, or are isolating, and wish to speak to a GP then please contact the surgery and book a telephone consultation. If you are concerned or wish to be seen in person then discuss this with us.

Making a claim due to COVID-19

If you are unfit for work due to COVID-19 and can evidence a positive PCR test from the Government of Jersey, you can make a claim using the Government coronavirus STIA online form without the need for a medical certificate from your doctor.

To book an appointment call 01534 51 61 51