Travel Clinic - Information & Prices

Important, Please read the following information.

Thank you for completing the Travel Risk Assessment Form, please allow five working days for processing.

We will contact you to arrange an appointment for your consultation with our practice nurse & GP.

Please be aware of the following costs. 

Travel clinic initial consultation

Net of a £20 Government Medical Benefit Contribution


Travel clinic follow up consultation

Net of a £20 Government Medical Benefit Contribution 



Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio £12.00
Hepatitis A - Adult £34.00
Hepatitis A - Paediatric £25.00
Hepatitis B - Adult £19.50
Hepatitis B - Paediatric £14.50
Rabies £80.00 each
Typhoid £22.00
Yellow Fever £60.00


Please note:     Travel advice cannot be given over the phone.

To book an appointment call 01534 51 61 51